Legal Information

Industria Auxiliar de Extrusión, S.A. (INADEXA,S.A.)
Polígono Industrial "Malpica - Alfindén", Calle I, nº 8 (Nave 4)
50171 La Puebla de Alfindén.
Zaragoza - España

Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Zaragoza: Tomo 270, Folio 17-24, Hoja 4204, Inscripciones 1a y 2a. C.I.F. A-50044338


Under the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data, we inform you that your data will be used by INADEXA, SA to fulfill its purpose, you may request and obtain information from their personal data, correct and delete them in the terms established in the regulations.